F.A.Q for Agents

  • Can I make money referring webcam models to you?
Yes, you can get paid for referrals by becoming an agent. Our Webcam Model Affiliate Program pays agents a 10% commission of each referred model's weekly earnings.
  • How much do webcam models make, and what can I make as their agent?
Our average webcam model will make between $500 and $1,000 per week working 20 to 25 hours, with some models making much more. Based on that average, our agents make $50 to $100 per week for each active model. Recruit 10 active models, and you could make $500 to $1,000 or more each week. If you recruit 50 working models, you could earn $100,000 or more per year.
  • Can I make money promoting your sites?
Yes. We pay $25 for every VIP member you refer to our amateur webcam network and 35% revenue share for every video sold through your agent link.
  • Can I make money referring other agents to you?
Yes. We have a 2 tier affiliate program, so you get a 10% commission from the earnings of each agent you refer.
  • Can I be both model and agent at the same time?
Yes. We actually encourage models to become agents too so they can make even more money by recruiting their friends. The only restriction is that a model cannot get paid as an agent for recruiting herself.
  • Do you accept agents and models from outside the U.S.?
Yes. We accept both agents and models from most countries, but all cam models we hire must speak English fluently and have a valid government issued photo ID proving their age. We DO NOT accept agents or models from the following countries: Philippines, Romania, Colombia, Venezuela, Nigeria, Indonesia, Thailand, Estonia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and Lybia.
  • To start as an agent, how many models do I have to have with you?
None. You can start with no models. Of course you will not be paid until you recruit your first one, and she or he starts making money.
  • Is there a minimum number of models I need to maintain in order to continue as an agent with you?
No. You can have as few or many models as you want, you will still be paid the same for each model.
  • Do I need to have my own website in order to become an agent?
No. Although having a website does help, it is not required. Agents can advertise our website directly using their agent affiliate link.
  • How do I make sure I get credit for all my referrals?
Each agent is provided with their own affiliate link to our website. Someone only needs to click on your affiliate link once, and they will always be associated with your agent code, no matter when they apply, even if it's a year later.
  • How will I know when someone signs up using my code, and how much commission I have earned?
Every time someone applies using your agent code, our system sends you an email notification. You can then track that application as well as your earnings through our Agent Portal.
  • Do you provide traffic stats so I can see where my referrals came from?
Yes. Detailed traffic statistics are available through our Agent Portal. Traffic data includes daily unique visitors, complete referrer data, signups by referrer, and model data by referrer.
  • I have never recruited models before, where would I start?
Placing ads for webcam jobs on Craigslist and Backpage are the easiest way to get started, since they are free or very inexpensive. On Craigslist, the most effective categories to post ads for webcam models are the "Talent Gigs" or "TV/Film/Video/Radio Jobs" sections in each local area (for example:http://losangeles.craigslist.org/tlg/ or http://losangeles.craigslist.org/tfr/). Other free sites for recruiting models are FacebookMySpaceTwitterYahoo Answers, and various online forums focused on working at home, making money, affiliate programs, adult websites, or modeling. You can also recruit models offline through friends, networking, placing ads in local newspapers, distributing flyers on college campuses and night clubs, as well as attending adult entertainment related tradeshows and special events. Always remember, you are not only recruiting models, but other agents too! Once you utilize every free recruiting method available, you can sit back and let your links/ads do the work for you without it costing you a dime.
  • Can I refer male models too or do you only pay agents for female models?
Since we accept both female and male models, agents are paid the same for both.
  • Do I need to provide support for my models or contact them to get paid?
No. All you need to do is refer the models to us, we take care of everything else. As long as models you referred keep working and making money, you get a 10% share of their earnings.
  • I have my own webcam site. Can I still be an agent for you, so my models have a chance to make more money?
Yes. We do not require agents to be exclusive to us, so you are free to promote and recruit for other sites as well.
  • Do agent commissions come out of models' pay? Wouldn't they make more money by going to you directly?
No. Agent commissions are paid entirely by us, so models make exactly the same whether they come to us through an agent or directly.
  • Can agents earn money promoting your webcam sites?
Yes. Agents can promote sites in our amateur webcam network and receive $25.00 for every referred VIP member. A VIP member is a registered user who buys at least $27.00 worth of Tokens. Agents also get full credit for every model and agent who signs up through the webcam site they promote.
  • Do you offer whitelabel webcam sites?
Yes. We can create a free embeddable custom video chat app for your website or blog with your logo and colors. You must have at least 1,000 visitors per day to qualify for our whitelabel program.
  • How often do agents get paid, and what payment options do you offer?
Agents get paid weekly, for the previous work week, and we can pay by either Payoneer, Paxum, direct deposit, or check (for U.S. residents only). We do not hold back pay nor deduct for chargebacks.
  • Is there a minimum amount I need to make before you pay me?
No, we do not have a minimum payout, so if you make 1 cent in a week, we will pay it to you during that pay period.
  • Are there banners I can use to promote your agency on my site or in ads?
Yes, you can find our approved promotional banners in your agent portal after you registered.
  • What do I do to get started, and how long does it take to get set up?
Click here to complete our agent application. Once completed, you will receive your agent code by email, and be able to start recruiting immediately.
InternetModeling.com - Webcam Models Wanted!